
Act of Abandonment to the Will of God
O God, I have no knowledge of what 
is in store for me today.
I only know that nothing shall happen to me 
that has not been foreseen by You
and directed to my greater good, from all eternity.
This is enough for me.
I adore Your eternal and unfathomable designs.
I submit them with all my heart for love of You.
I offer them with my whole being
in union with the sacrifice of Jesus, 
my divine redeemer.
In His name and by His infinite merits, 
I ask You for the grace of patience
and loving acceptance of my sufferings.
I only wish to do Your holy will 
and use all my energies for Your glory. Amen. 

(Bl. James Alberione-Founder of the Pauline Family)


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