First Communion Excitement!

My little brother Caleb made his First Holy Communion two weeks ago.
Me and Caleb the morning of his
First Holy Communion

I was blessed that the date coordinated with my vacation time! Yay! 
So I was able to be there when Caleb received Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time. 
Now every time we've gone to Mass I've ended up sitting next to him. When we get close to the consecration he gets really excited and whispers a number... It took me a second... but I realized that he's keeping track of how many times he's been able to receive communion. I know! Adorable, right!?? 
Then when the pew before us stands up to prepare to receive, Caleb starts practicing and mumbling under his breath, "Bow... put out my hands like this... Say Amen..." 

Seriously, it's sooo cute. 

It's made me think about how I wish everyone was as excited as my (almost) 8-year-old little brother. I was reflecting on how the Mass, and most especially receiving communion within the Mass, should be THE most beautiful and THE most exciting part of my day. How many times have I gone to Mass and not fully participated in the liturgy??? How many times have I stood up to receive communion without truly being "excited" about receiving the Lord in the Eucharist? 
I mean, think about it... really. 
The God of the ENTIRE UNIVERSE... The one who thought of every cell in your body and every hair on your head... He who made the sun and every single blade of grass.... That's HIM that you are receiving. Our God WANTS...He LONGS... He DESIRES US so much that He would show us EVERY.SINGLE.TIME that we go to Mass how much HE LOVES us!
Now, THAT is something to be excited about. 

My God, help me to be "excited" about You. Renew my love and excitement for the Mass, that I may receive you with a childlike joy. Reveal to my heart, how much you love through the Eucharist and how you desire intimacy with me in this beautiful sacrament. 


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