The time has come...

"The time has come," the Walrus said,"To talk of many things:                           Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--Of cabbages--and kings..." 

Well, we're not exactly talking about ships and sealing wax... but we have been talking about shoes... and which suitcase to bring them in! 

YEP! We're on the move AGAIN! 

We talk about many things here in St. Louis, and right now the topic most spoken of is goodbye: which is both sad and wonderful.
As I write, the postulancy is a flurry of activity as we prepare to leave for Boston early tomorrow morning.  
In Boston we will be staying at our motherhouse, taking classes and working in various parts of our publishing house. Exciting!
Some of us will be back here in a few weeks, but some are staying to begin Novitiate at our motherhouse in Boston. 
It's a crazy time! 
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pray for us as we travel tomorrow! 

I have to go finish packing! Yikes! We're down to the final countdown...


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